
To submit an article

22-24th of September, 2022

Languages spoken: French and English.

Publication: All accepted contributions will be published in the proceedings of the symposium. Some theme-related contributions will be published in issue 28 of the journal "Management - Governance" published by the ERECO-PGV network and indexed to HAL and Google Scholar. The "journal Iustinianus primus law review"[1] is interested to publish articles also. 

Abstract and Paper guidelines:

Abstracts should mention the surname, first names, research agency/body, postal and electronic addresses of the authors. An electronic version (Word format.doc) should be sent to Ghislaine Pellat and  Jovan Zafiroski[1] a second one by the conference website.https://ereco2022.sciencesconf.org/ 

Papers are then directly submitted and anonymously uploaded to the conference website (without the authors' names, without reference to the associated university and without elements of identification of the authors). At the same time, please send the original article (with authors’ identification, universities and electronic contact information), in Word format, to Ghislaine Pellat.

The paper should be 12-20 pages long, (between 18,000 and 30,000 characters), including abstracts, figures and bibliography.

Text requirements are: 1.5 space between lines, Times New Roman font, size 11.

All papers must include an abstract of up to half a page (750 words), translated into one of two languages: French if the author is French, English if he/she is English.

Papers may not include any attachments. All tables and figures should be inserted in the text and numbered. Notes are placed at the bottom of the page.

The reference list should be as follows:

- for journals, mention the author's first and last name, the year of publication, the title of the article in italics, the title and number of the journal and the number of the first and last page (e.g. Martin Claude (2007), l’entreprise est européenne résiste au modèle occidental, la revue des sciences de gestion, direction et gestion des entreprises, n°226-227 p17-28).

- For books, mention the surname and first name of the author or editor, the year of publication, the title of the book in italics, the place of publication and the publisher, number of pages. (e.g. Pod redakcja zofii mikolajczyk i clauda martin, (1995), blaski i ciene, wspolpracy firm polskich i francuskich, lodz, wydawnictwo uniwersytetu lodzkiego, number of pages).

A draft summary of the paper must be submitted (1 page max), to the e-mail address of the conference website no later than Tuesday, March 15th, 2022. https://ereco2022.sciencesconf.org/

 Full versions of standardized articles are expected no later than Wedneday 15th of June, 2022. Confirmation of acceptance by the International Scientific Committee of the symposium will be sent to the authors at the beginning of July 2022.

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