COOPERATIONS AND ENLARGEMENT: TWO CHALLENGES TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE EUROPEAN PROJECTS? From the very beginning, the EU was based on, and called for, forms of multinational cooperation, bilateral (internal and external) at different level, involving economic actors, public actors, local authorities and civil society. The frameworks for this cooperation as well as for the successive enlargements of the EU were drawn up in the context of European negotiations, in particular during discussions on the European’s Treaties. European values, standards and rules are embodied in the texts of agreements, resolutions and European directives and Treaties signed by all member countries. They establish the functioning of European institutions and the framework of democratic life in Europe. The emergence of current crises (Brexit, COVID19, migration crisis, non-respect of rule of law rules, refusal of certain member countries to apply the European Charter of Human Rights, etc.) is questioning the project of European Union, and introduced the challenges which should be overcome by the proposal of the new project able to face the internal complexity of the Union and to answer to the pressure of a conflicting international context. What remains of the European ideal affirmed in the treaties of 1957, 1992 and 2007? How to "re-enchant" the common project? Yet, the European Union remains attractive for new candidate’s countries. How do they read the integration conditions into the EU with regard to their own projects? In this call for papers, the ERECO-PGV[1] network wishes to make an overview of the cooperation implemented by and in the European Union and to describe the concrete forms they have taken. The issue is to analyse the internal European cooperation between economic actors, politicians and EU citizens at different levels, but also on to focus attention into the external cooperation (neighbourhood policies, external policies and collaborations with international institutions: NATO, OECD, WTO etc.). Carry an uncompromising attention on this issue means rethinking the European project in the light of today's challenges. Through their scientific contributions, we invite the authors to participate in the discussion of the European project and we undertake to publish their texts, in particular in the journal Management & Gouvernance[2] edited by the ERECO-PGV network and also in theIustinianus primus law review[3]. The expected proposals can relate to comparative and multidisciplinary analyses which should be structured around three subjects.
Societies and democratic life The universal approach of human rights is a supreme value of the European Union expressed in the European Charter of Human Rights. Does Europe is able to ensure that it is respected by all of its members? How European Charter is mobilized during debates and conflicts which relate to respect for the rights of minority populations (Roma populations, refugees, LGBT people, women's rights, etc.) which, from one side, bear witness to the commitment of citizens in favour of its respect, but from other side, of the refusal on the part of certain political actors (states, communities) to apply it. After more than 60 years of the EU's existence, can we speak about a European identity? What are its embryonic forms? Where are they expressed? Is this just a narrative reality, affirmed in the speeches of European leaders and founding texts of the EU? Do cultural and university exchanges contribute to the construction of this identity as living reality? At the same time, the notion of European citizenship must be questioned with regard to the conditions of reception of migrants and, above all, at a time when very active extremist and nationalist social movements (so-called identity-based) are very active in many countries of Europe. What roles do European social movements and citizens play in structuring the new challenges to which the Union must respond in its new project intended to embody its ideal? What are the issues raised by these movements, how are they heard? Is the institutional functioning of the EU in line with these challenges?
Territories At the EU level, all the member countries are territories but we can also analyse cooperation between municipalities, regions etc., without forgetting the localized development which reduces poverty and exclusion in the local territories, and makes it possible to counteract certain ideological regressions, reduce the fears that limit the reception of others (migrants, Roma population, LGBT people, etc.) and open up the possibility of cooperation at different levels of territories. However, under the pressure of current events and action of European authorities, since the Covid-19, new forms of cooperation and dynamics have emerged across European territories. New territorial issues are being organized around the environment and the exploitation of natural resources, geographic mobilities (structuring of transport modes and networks), access to digital networks and security, and hard problems which would be faced in certain regions concerned by the reception of migrants. None of these problems could be stop at national and regional borders and it call for new forms of consultation and actions (cross-border policies and projects, investment decisions, co-innovations, prevention policies, etc.). What types of cooperation are implemented in Europe at the territorial level and what results does their implementation produce for the reconfiguration of its common project? What territorial solutions could the European Union offer as part of a common approach or by giving support to unique territorial initiatives? At a time when teleworking is taking hold in the professional world, where the lives of citizens confronted with the problems of medical deserts and the absence of services and public powers enhanced territorial inequalities, the digital equipment of the territories represents a challenge for Europe. What tools do we have to deal with these problems? Can we identify good practices in this area and spread them across Europe?
Companies Through their decisions, their strategies, their capacity for innovation, the practices of companies give consistency to the European economic project and to its power in a very competitive global environment. Their practices are also key elements (to be monitored) in the progress of workers' living conditions, and therefore of peace in Europe and the protection of natural environment. The job European market is changing especially the hire practices due to the lack of manpower. In this context the chosen immigration policies are applied almost everywhere in Europe. What are the consequences of this reversal tendency and what proposals should be made to match the offer of companies with the skills of the people to be hired? Does Europe is able to answer to the challenges of European production with regard to health, production of medicines, electronic components and energy while respecting environmental protection standards? Which actors are ready to take up these challenges? (EU, countries, regions, economic sectors…)? How are companies responding to the climate emergency and how are they supported in this direction by European programs? Under the influence of global competition, economic data changes as supply and demand change. The commodity markets are seeing their prices soar under the effect of two joint phenomena: the scarcity of goods resulting from the Covid-19 and the demand from customers for local production, more respectful of the environment and mobilizing know-how local, national or European. What kind of political and financial tools does the EU have to encourage the economic players from different countries to cooperate with each other? Sectoral initiatives are developed in particular in the agri-food sector and in energy production. It would be useful to have an overview of the cooperation in this matter, to analyse their results and to capitalise the good practices to be developed as a specific European model or as a source of development for new forms of cooperation. |
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